Fan Brown, J., McDonald. R, Best L., Zorn, J., Moriarty, K, Ponisio, L.C. Reducing forest overstory enhances floral and bee diversity without increasing parasite prevalence (in revision Journal of Forestry)
McDonald. R, Fan Brown, J., Hayes, R.H., Martinez Llaurador, N., Boulay, P., Moriarty, K, Ponisio, L.C. Enhancing floral resources for pollinators in harvested forests (in revision Journal of Forestry)
Bishop, G. et al (80 authors including Ponisio) Current policies fall short of effective pollinator conservation in agricultural landscapes (in revision, Science)
Gaiarsa. M.P., Mora, B.B, Kremen, C., Ponisio, L.C. Changes in species composition and community structure during plant-pollination community assembly (in revision, Ecology).
~ 2025 ~ Haring, Steve, Aoyama, Lina; Lane-Massee, Marissa; Ponisio, Lauren C.; Hallett, Lauren M. Agricultural sustainability requires multidimensional solutions that address environmental and financial benefits in the Oregon hazelnut industry. (accepted, Agriculture and Human Values)
Smith, G.P., Cohen, H., Zorn, J., McFrederick, Q.S., Ponisio, L.C. Plant-pollinator network architecture does not impact intraspecific microbiome variability. Molecular Ecology. (link) ~ 2023 ~ Ponisio, L.C., Cohen, H., Galbraith S.M., Zorn, J., Zitomer, R., Rivers, J. Intensively managed forest characteristics indirectly shape infectious parasite prevalence through the host community. Ecosphere (link)
Hutchins, L., Guzman, A., Ponisio, L.C. Agricultural Ecosystems, Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 3rd edition. (link) (contact LCP for a copy)
Tsang, T.P.N., Bonebrake, T., Ponisio, L.C.; Cadotte, M. Controlling for the effects of environmental availability when testing how the environment determines community compositional uniqueness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (link).
Steel, Z.L., Miller, J.E.D., Ponisio, L.C., Tingley, M.W., Wilkin, K., Blakey, R., Hoffman, K.M., Jones, G. A roadmap for pyrodiversity science. Journal of Biogeography. (link)
Tsang, T.P.N. Ponisio, L.C., Bonebrake, T.C. Diversity exerts net stabilizing impacts on plant communities but not animal communities. Diversity and Distributions. (link)
Vendig, I., Guzman, A., De La Cerda, G., Esquivel, K., Mayer, A., Ponisio, L.C., Bowles, T.M. Direct yield benefits of soil carbon increases in low-carbon soils: A global meta-analysis of cover cropping co-benefits. Nature Sustainability. (link)
Halpern, B.S., et al. (160 authors including Ponisio) Priorities of synthesis in environmental science, Ecosphere, (link)
~ 2021 ~
Cohen, H., Ponisio, L.C., Russell, K., McFrederick, Q.M., Philpott, S.M. Floral context determines parasite and pathogen outcomes for wild bees. Molecular Ecology (link) (pdf)
Smith, G.P., Gardner, J., Gibbs, J, Griswold, T. , Hauser, M., Yanega D., Ponisio, L.C. 2021. Sex-associated differences in the network roles of pollinators. Ecosphere (link)
Wilkin K., Ponisio, L.C. , Fry, D.L., Collins, B.M., Moody, T. and Stephens, S.L. 2021. Drivers of understory plant communities in Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forests with pyrodiversity. Forest Ecology. (link)
Stephens, S.; Thompson, S.; Boisrame, G.; Collins, B.; Ponisio, L.C.; Rakhmatulina, Katya; Steel, Z.; Stevens, J.; Wilkin, K.; van Wagtendonk, J. 2021. Fire, water, and biodiversity in the Sierra Nevada: A possible triple win. Environmental Research Communications (link)
Mason, Stephen C. Jr., Shirey, Vaughn, Ponisio, L.C., Gelhaus, Jon. 2021. Responses from bees, butterflies, and ground beetles to different fire characteristics: A global meta-analysis. Biological Conservation (link)
Durant, J. & Ponisio, L.C. Regional, honey-bee centered approach needed to incentivize grower adoption of bee-friendly practices in agriculture Frontiers in Sustainable Agriculture (link)
Gaiarsa, M.P., Kremen, C.K. & Ponisio, L.C. Pollinator interaction flexibility across scales affects patch colonization and occupancy. 2021. Nature Ecology and Evolution (link) (cover article)
~ 2020 ~ S. H. Woodard, S. Federman, R. R. James, B. N. Danforth, T. L. Griswold, D. Inouye, Q. S. McFrederick, L. Morandin, D. L. Paul, E. Sellers, J. P. Strange, M. Vaughan, N. M. Williams, M. G. Branstetter, C. Burns, J. Cane, A. B. Cariveau, D. P. Cariveau, A. Childers, C. Childers, D. L. Cox-Foster, E. C. Evans, K. K. Graham, K. Hackett, K. T. Huntzinger, R. E. Irwin, S. Jha, S. P. Lawson, C. Liang, M. M. López-Uribe, A. Melathopoulos, H. M.C. Moylett, C. Otto, L. C. Ponisio, L. L. Richardson, R. Rose, R. Singh, W. Wehling. Toward a U.S. national program for monitoring native bees. Biological Conservation. (link)
Ponisio, L.C., Interaction flexibility and pyrodiversity increase pollinator population resistance, Ecology and Evolution (link)
Ponisio, L.C., de Valpine, P., Michaud, P., Turek, D. One size does not fit all: Customizing MCMC methods for hierarchical models using NIMBLE, Ecology and Evolution (link, Github)
~ 2019 ~ Goldstein, B.R., Daniel Turek, D., Ponisio, L.C. and de Valpine, P. nimbleEcology: Distributions for Ecological Models in 'nimble'. R package version 0.1.0.
Ponisio, L.C., Valdovinos, F., Allhoff, K.T., Gaiarsa, M.P., Barner, A., Guimaraes, P., Hembry, D., Morrison, B., Gillespie., R. A network perspective for community assembly. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. (link)
Ponisio, L.C., de Valpine, P., M'Gonigle, L.K, Kremen, C. Proximity of restored hedgerows interacts with local floral diversity and species' traits to shape long‐term pollinator metacommunity dynamics. Ecol. Lett. 22:1048-1060 (pdf) (SI) (github)
Kremen, C., Albrech, M., Ponisio, L.C., Restoring pollinator communities and pollination services in hedgerows in intensively-managed agricultural landscapes. Chapter, Ecology Hedgerows and Field Margins. Eds. J.Dover. (contact LCP for a copy)
~ 2018 ~ Kremen, C. M'Gonigle, L.K., and Ponisio, L.C. 2018. Pollinator community assembly tracks changes in floral resources as restored hedgerows mature in agricultural landscapes. Front. Ecol. Evol. 6(170). ( (data)
~ 2017 ~ Ponisio, L.C., Gaiarsa, M.P. and Kremen, C. 2017. Opportunistic attachment assembles plant-pollinator networks. Ecology Letters 20:1261–1272 (pdf)(Github)
Wilkin, K.M., Ponisio, L.C., Fry, D.L., Tubbesing, C.L., Potts, J.B., Stephens, S.L. 2017. Fire hazard reduction has drawbacks for biodiversity. Fire Ecology 13(2):105-136. (pdf)
Ponisio, L.C. and M’Gonigle, L.K. 2017. Coevolution leaves a weak signal on ecological networks. Ecosphere. 8(4):e01798. (pdf) (GitHub) ~ 2016 ~ Ponisio, L.C. and Ehrlich, P.R. 2016. Diversification, Yield and a New Agricultural Revolution: Problems and Prospects. Sustainability 8(11):1118 (pdf)
Karp D.S., Moses, R., Gennet, S., Jones, M.S., Joseph, S., M’Gonigle, L.K., Ponisio, L.C., Snyder, W.E., and Kremen, C. 2016. Farming Practices for Food Safety Threaten Pest-Control Services to Fresh Produce. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(3):1402–1412 (pdf)
Sardinas, H.S., Tom, K.C., Ponisio, L.C., Rominger, A.J., and Kremen, C. 2016. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) pollination in California’s Central Valley is limited by native bee nest site location. Ecological Applications 26(2):438–447 (pdf)
Sardinas, H.S., Ponisio, L.C. and Kremen, C. 2016. Hedgerow restoration does not enhance indicators of nest-site habitat quality or nesting rates of ground-nesting bees. Restoration Ecology 24(4):499–505 (pdf)
Ponisio, L.C., Wilkin, K.M., M’Gonigle, L.K., Kulhanek, K., Cook, L., Thorp, R., Griswold, T., Kremen, C. 2016. Pyrodiversity begets plant-pollinator community biodiversity. Global Change Biology 22(5):1794–1808 (pdf) (supplement)
Ponisio, L.C., M’Gonigle, L.K. and Kremen, C. 2016. On-farm habitat restoration curbs biotic homogenization in intensive agricultural landscape. Global Change Biology 22(2):704-715 (pdf) (supplement) Ponisio, L.C. and Kremen, C. 2016. System-level approach is needed to evaluate the transition to more sustainable agriculture. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B 283: 20152913 (pdf)
Leong, M., Ponisio, L.C., Kremen, C., Thorp, R.W., Roderick, G.K. 2016. Temporal dynamics of global change: bee community phenology in urban, agricultural, and natural landscapes. Global Change Biology 22(3):1046-1053 (pdf)
~ 2015 ~ M’Gonigle, L.K., Ponisio, L.C., Cutler, K., and Kremen, C. 2015. Habitat restoration promotes pollinator persistence and colonization in intensively-managed agriculture. Ecological Applications 25:1557–1565 (pdf) (data)
Ponisio, L.C., M’Gonigle, L.K., Mace, K.C. Palomino, J., de Valpine, P., Kremen, C. (2015). Diversification practices reduce organic to conventional yield gap. Proceedings of the Royal Society: B 282: 20141396 (pdf) (Github) (data)
~ 2010 ~ Bonebrake, T.C., Ponisio, L.C., Boggs. C.L. and Ehrlich, P.R. (2010) More than just indicators: Tropical butterfly ecology and conservation. Biological Conservation 143(8): 1831-1841 (pdf)
~ Edited Book chapters ~ Mission and Relevance of National Parks, Science for Parks, Parks for Science: the next century, section editor. University of Chicago Press,